About Euclid Lodge

On September 11, 1902, thirteen Master Masons petitioned the Masonic Grand Lodge of Montana to form a new Lodge in Great Falls. A year later, on September 16, 1903, Euclid Lodge #58 received its Charter from the hands of our Most Worshipful Grand Master H. S. Hepner, at the 39th Annual Communication of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Montana held in Helena on September 16th and 17th, 1903.

Before the current Masonic Temple building was built, Euclid Lodge met on the second floor of the Kingsbury Block at 311 ½ Central Avenue (which is the location of Beckman Furs). Meetings were held there until January 1st, 1915.

Euclid’s first Worshipful Master was S.D. Largent, superintendent of the Great Falls Public Schools. Under his expert and accomplished hand, Great Falls expanded its public school system to one of the finest in the state. In honor of his achievements, the City of Great Falls named Largent elementary school after him. Euclid has had many noteworthy Masters of the Lodge. Two in particular went on to serve as Grand Masters of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Montana. They are John Robert Lloyd and Earl Smith Bardwell.

John Robert Lloyd was Master of Euclid Lodge in 1918, and became the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Montana in 1935. He was the Great Falls Postmaster for many years before retiring to California. Earl Smith Bardwell was Master of Euclid in 1923, and became the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Montana in 1954. He was a metallurgist and superintendent of the Great Falls Anaconda Company Smelter.

Euclid Lodge is comprised of a unique and exciting community of men drawn from all cross sections and professions in Great Falls, united by their common belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man; and those Masonic ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. We seek to make good men better, and to provide a mutually supportive community where men can wholesomely associate with other men. Men whom they can trust, regard and rely upon as friends and brothers. Masons take obligations to act fairly and squarely with all humanity, and just as importantly, with each other.

Euclid Lodge is one of Montana’s most dynamic lodges. In addition to actively assisting other Lodges in their work. Euclid brothers play an active role in community activities and affairs. Always working to make things better for the good of all; whether it be their neighborhood, city, state, nation or world. We take seriously both the position and responsibility George Washington envisioned for Masons as the silent guardians and watch wardens of this Republic and it‘s democratic ideals.