Brothers should email any corrections to


Hall of Euclid Lodge No. 58, A. F. & A. M.

A Stated Communication of Euclid Lodge No. 58, A. F. & A. M. was held at the Masonic Temple this   

1st, day of March, A.D. 2022, A.L. 6022.


The Following officers Were Present


Bro.     Ron Zobrak                             W.M.                                Bro. Steven White (ABSENT)      J.D. *Bro. John Ross

Bro.     Angel L. Guerra (ABSENT)   S. W.                               Bro. Harry Boughton S.S. * WB Marty Eberly

Bro.     Bob Osier (ABSENT)             J. W.             Bro. Mitchell Zobrak (ABSENT)      J.S. * WB Rod Meier

Bro.     Keith A. Head                         Treas.                          Bro.     Rod Meier                            Tyler * Bro. John Deyo

Bro.     Roger E. Cathel                      Secy.                           Bro.     Marty Eberly                           Chaplain

Bro.     William Ross                          S. D.                            Bro.     Keith A. Head                         Instr.

Bro.     Rick Morin (ABSENT)      Marshal       

and Members and Visitors as per Register.

The Lodge was opened on the MM Degree by WM Ron Zobrak, with the officers and substitute officers’ assistance.

THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was presented at the Altar with all present reciting the pledge of allegiance.

THE FOLLOWING PAST MASTERS were present: WBs Marty Eberly, Rod Meier, Keith Head, Harry Boughton, and Roger E. Cathel.


READING OF MINUTES: As posted. (Passed)


REPORTS OF INVESTIGATIONS: Mr. George Lee Fontanez, Jr. (All Favorable)

BALLOTTING: Mr. George Lee Fontanez, Jr. - Elected

READING OF COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Grand Lodge Montana regarding PLM distribution. Flyer from Highland cemetery – Flags Over Our Veteran’s Plots asking for donations and any volunteers to serve on “Board”. Thank you cards as received from Giant Springs Elementary / Lewis & Clark Elementary.

TREASURER’S REPORT: W. Bro. Keith A. Head, Treasurer, gave a short report on the fiscal stability of Euclid Lodge. Report Attached. 

READING OF BILLS: The bills were read and a motion was made and seconded to allow the bills to be paid and warrants drawn on the treasury for their several amounts. The bills were as follows: None

From / To:                   GFMTA (Invoice # EUCL02-22)                  
For:                           Kitchen Fees – February 2022          
Amount:                      $30.00

From / To:                   Roger E. Cathel
For:                          Invitations / Certificates (Education Night)
Amount:                      $58.99

            Moved by: WB Marty Eberly to pay our bills, Second: Bro. William Ross – Passed.


Education Dinner: Ron Zobrak / Roger Cathel: Dinner to be held on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m. 3rd Year Teachers to be recognized. Students from debate team to be contacted by WM Mike     Walker (Cascade Lodge # 34), Color Guard from the ANG to be contacted to present Colors. Invitations and Teacher’s Certificates completed and distributed to WM Ron Zobrak.

Bikes-4-Books / Kindles-4-Kids: Co-Chairs – Jerry Hall / Bob Osier: Most Kindles distributed. Still need to get two (2) Kindles to Bro. Bob Osier. Harry Boughton: Belt / Vaughn – 4, Roger Cathel: Morningside / Loy – 4, Lewis & Clark / Sunnyside – 4, Ron Zobrak: Giant Springs – 2, Bob Osier: Sacajawea – 2. 


Masonic Museum: Roger Cathel - NTR


Finance: Chair – Ron Zobrak; Members – Keith Head, Roger Cathel, Harry Boughton, Angel Guerra, Alan Frohberg, Marty Eberly.


Education Committee: Chair – William Ross: Tonight – Tribute to United Flight 93 – Ladies from Cascade Chapter # 101, and Helen C. Roberts Chapter # 71, OES.


Highway Clean-up: Rick Morin: (ABSENT)


Apparel Committee: Chair - Bob Osier: NTR


Social Committee: Chair – John Ross: Axe Throwing discussion ensued> Date of outing set for Saturday, March 12th, 2022 @ 3:00 p.m. Bro. John to book said date / time. Email to go out inviting all          to attend. Game Night on Saturday, March 19th, 2022 @ 6:00 p.m.


Master Builder Award / Master Builder Program 2.0: Chair – Roger E. Cathel: Update (Americanism Program as presented tonight – Tribute to United Flight 93 – counts toward our Americanism Program.


Masonic Funerals: Chair – WM Ron Zobrak: NTR


(New Committee: Temple Restoration Committee: Euclid Liaison – Bro. William Ross.)




OLD BUSINESS: Distribution of Kindles noted. PLM distribution from Grand Lodge noted (2.22%).
New Committee (Temple Restoration) to hold a first meeting on Saturday, March 19th, 2022.


NEW BUSINESS: Pro-Rated bill sent to Cascade Lodge / Delta Lodge for their share of Invitations/ Certificates expense. Travle Mug order has been received from Bro. John Hugdahl – Billings, MT, and filled as of tonight (03/01/2022)
A motion was made by WB Marty Eberly to donate $100.00 to the Flags of Highland… Second by WB Keith Head, discussion ensued – Passed.


CALENDAR: March 12th: Axe Throwing / Helping Bro. William Ross at new home… pulling carpet / painting walls…(See announcements), Education Dinner – March 24th, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m., EA Degree to be sometime in April?, April 9th: John Deyo’s OES Homecoming


EDUCATION: Tribute to United Flight 93 – Ladies of Cascade Chapter # 101 / Helen C. Roberts Chapter # 71.


MENTORING: WB Roger gave a short status report on our Brothers and their various stages of progression.


Please keep our Brothers, Sisters and their families in your thoughts and prayers.




PASS-THE-HAT (PLATE): The hat was passed and a total of $20.10 was collected from the brothers present to go toward Euclid Lodge’s “Almoner’s Fund”.




York Rite: None.
Scottish Rite: March 31, 2022 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. – Spaghetti Dinner
Hassan Grotto: None.
MMCI # 36: None.
OES: None.
Shrine: None.
Temple Board: Meeting, Thursday, March 4th, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m. / Masters & Wardens Meeting @ 7:30 p.m.
DeMolay: None.
Grand Lodge: None.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: March 12th: Cabletow! Come to Bro. William Ross’s new home at 700 43rd St. North to help pull carpet and paint walls on Saturday, March 12th, 2022 @ 9:00 a.m. (I have been told that there will be coffee and donuts available…..) We will take a break at 3:00 p.m. to go down and do some Axe Throwing.. ($15.00 per person…)

March 24th, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m. – Education Appreciation Dinner!... let’s have more Masons and their families present than Teachers…. It looks bad if we only have a minimum number of Masons present… we are there to honor our third year teachers…. So come out…. Dinner $10.00 per person…. (My pork loin roast…) Please RSVP to Roger Cathel so he can know how many to prepare for….. (btw there are 32 teachers invited….)

Marty Eberly noted that the Shrine Circus is coming!...

A note was made to remember the citizens of Ukraine, both overseas and relatives here within the United States, keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

There being no further business Euclid Lodge was closed in due and ancient form at 9:05 p.m. with peace and harmony prevailing.  


Roger E. Cathel, Secretary